St John Ambulance Western Australia covers the largest landmass in the world with one single ambulance service. Regen Power is proud to be associated with St John Ambulance in designing and installing an off-grid solar power system in Tooday.
Arun Muthiah from Regen Power worked with Kim Maddrell from St John of God Ambulance in understanding the client electricity load requirements , roof space available for solar installation and the budgetary constraints and designing a system which will support the load demand even on cloudy days. The system consists of 23 X 285 Watts Canadian Panels, 1 X 5KW SMA Sunny Boy Inverter , 1 X Sunny Island 6.0H , 500Ah Lead Carbon Batteries with Racking structure. The entire system was also connected with a diesel generator on site , which acts as a worst case backup when the solar system isn’t generating enough power for the site.
The Tooday Ambulance station was inaugurated on 1st March 2019.
The person standing in between is Mr Kim Maddrell along with our company Director , Prof Chem Nayar ( on the left ) and our electrical contractor Mr. Christian Fahrig (on the right ).