
Regen Power ranked as 326th High Growth Company in Asia-Pacific 2021 by Financial Times

Asia-Pacific 2021 Financial Times

The Financial Times declared Asia-Pacific High Growth Companies 2021 ranking. This is a list of 500 companies in the Asia-Pacific region that have achieved the highest compound annual growth in revenues between 2016 and 2019.

Nikkei Asia has worked with the Financial Times of London and Germany’s Statista to rank Asia’s 500 fastest-growing companies with annual revenue of more than $100,000 in 2016 and more than $1 million in 2019. To be part of this ranking, revenue growth between the specified years has to be primarily organic.

Critiria for participating

Firstly the company should be independent, secondly its headquarters in one of these 11 territories in the Asia-Pacific region.  Countries as follows, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam are these territories. Above all, the company’s annual growth rate between the year 2016 and 2019 is considering for ranking. Statista is the authorized body to scrutinise, process the participant company data. The participant companies must have a minimum of 8.9% annual growth.

The applicant companies are from a broad mix of sectors like technology, energy, financial services, and transport.  However, this time only 71 companies from Australia satisfied the criteria for this ranking. It is a great achievement for Regen Power to be selected from over a million companies spanning over 13 countries to be ranked in the Top 500 Fastest Growing Companies in the High – Growth Companies Asia-pacific 2021.

Regen Power

The company is pioneering innovations in the field of solar, wind, and hybrid power systems. Therefore, Regen Power Pty Ltd is a renowned solar company in Australia. With over 30,000 residential and commercial roof-top photovoltaic (PV) installations, Regen Power is Western Australia’s most competitive solar solutions provider.

Changes implemented in marketing strategies, sales, procurement, customer services and brand building has earned the company an astounding growth of 300% in sales and revenue. Regen Power has generated a significant profit and annualized 70 percent revenue growth in 2019. Certainly, these years witnessed around 50% increase in installations.

Regen has been listed consecutively 2 years by Financial Times. Regen ranked 209th in 2020 and 326th this year High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific. With 18 years of experience as well as a 30,000 client base and exclusive agreements with major suppliers, Regen Power is confident of capturing the future market. Certainly, this ranking highlights the resilience and business acumen of Regen Power.

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