
Australian Solar Institute (ASI) funded Work Experience

Australian Solar Institute (ASI) funded Work Experience Opportunity for project work related to Remote Area Solar Hybrid Power Systems

Australian Solar Institute announced funding ( $5000) to support Regen Power to provide a solar energy-related work experience positions for relevant undergraduate students

Students eligible to apply include those currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree in a University in Western Australia and who are undertaking studies clearly relevant to gaining employment in the solar energy industry, and who have a genuine interest in working in the solar energy industry at the completion of their degree

The work experience positions are available sometime in the period 1 November 2012 to 28 February 2013

Eligible students wishing to apply for, or enquire about, the work experience positions:

[button link=”http://regenpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/career-achievement-award.pdf” title=”Click here to learn more” color=”blue” target=”_blank”]

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