Regen Power Wins ProductReview Awards Again

Regen Power has added one more embellishment to its train of awards as it has recently won the winner of the ProductReview Award 2023 under the solar installer category. The company has won the coveted ProductReview Award consecutively for 2021, 2022, and 2023. The enterprise has emerged as one of the leading brands spearheading and disrupting the renewable energy industry by providing its residential, commercial and off-grid solar energy solutions.
ProductReview is a leading website where users can give reviews of the products listed. The website analyses the overall rating received by a product against the total number of reviews it got in the last 12 months. They also look at whether the reviews are incentivised or not. It also considers whether that product was available for retail sale in Australia in 2022.
This year, Regen Received 4.9 stars rating with top star rating for the efficient and clean installation, high-quality of solar products, customer services, rate and fees of installation, timely consumer grievance redressal, and job satisfaction. Regen received 1225 review counts in total which was taken into account while finalising the award. Many reviews posted on the ProductReview website say that they are happy with Regen’s products and services and will be calling it again.
With a 4.9 stars rating, Regen has proved that a nuanced predilection towards customer satisfaction among other things is crucial for a business. Nikhil Jayaraj, MD of Regen Power, follow this rule quite religiously.
“Empowering people by making them energy efficient is something that gives me immense satisfaction. It keeps the business running and placates my urge towards making this world a better place to live in. I envision a global community that is independent of the uncertainty of running out of fossil fuels.”, says Nikhil.
“Catering to the needs of customers in real-time is a monumental task in itself for which we have a dedicated service department for customers that is manned for 14 hours a day to solve customer’s problems one on one. Even the smallest of the issue is addressed and resolved within 2 working days depending on the type of issue. I am delighted to win the ProductReview Awards for the third time in a row and this only motivates me more to make our services even better for our customers.” exclaims Jayaraj.
Regen Power has the brainchild of late Emeritus Professor Chem Nayar who dedicated his life towards pioneering renewable solutions. Nikhil, walking in his footsteps, has guided Regen Power to realise its full potential at the speed of light. Regen has partnered with Huawei and became a Tesla-certified installer in 2019.
Under Nikhil’s astute leadership, Regen has been successful in installing 40,000+ residential and 2000 + commercial solar systems in Australia and a 5MW solar farm in Malaysia, a 500kW floating solar farm in India and 50MW in Vietnam. These installations have saved mankind from burning 200+ million KGs of coal and releasing enormous amounts of greenhouse gases into the environment.

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