Can I go off-grid Solar System with Tesla Powerwall?

off-grid Solar System with Tesla Powerwall

Off-grid Tesla Powerwall is a game-changer in the entire Australian market. Since its launch, Tesla Powerwall has been a revolution. The off-grid Tesla Powerwall is a battery-based system and doesn’t need a utility grid to power your houses. With Powerwall, you can harness and store the abundant sun’s energy and change your energy consumption pattern.

Off-grid systems are those systems that have solar panels but are not connected to the utility grid. However, they have batteries to store the solar power generated by the system. Off-grid solar systems should have a high power capacity battery to support high surge draw. In an off-grid solar system, you may require an extra battery to store the power. These extra batteries are useful at night and in some extreme weather events. Maintenance-free lithium batteries are always desirable in off-grid systems. 

Just like any other solar battery in Australia, Tesla Powerwall can be customised to design an energy storage system for the best performance. This way, going solar can increase savings. Let’s learn more about Tesla’s Powerwall.

Benefits of Tesla Powerwall

Tesla Powerwall is arguably the most popular solar battery in Australia for homes and small businesses. It uses a lithium-ion battery, a type of rechargeable battery that helps to achieve your energy goals. We have listed some of the benefits of Tesla Powerwall below:

  • Self-Powered Home:  With all the energy stored in Powerwall, power your home after the sun sets and be less reliant on the grid.
  • Backup Power: Tesla Powerwall solar battery can store energy to provide backup power as and when you need it.
  • Energy Savings:  Connect up to 10 Powerwall units to maximise your savings by using stored and off-peak energy
  • Mobile App for Tesla Powerwall:-  The Tesla powerwall app is for monitoring day-to-day operations and understanding energy consumption. 
  • Home Energy Control: Tesla app helps you to understand the energy consumption pattern and control home energy by changing the settings.
  • 10 Year Warranty:  The standard Tesla Powerwall warranty is 10 years at 70% capacity. When Powerwall is used for other applications beyond solar self-consumption and backup, the warranty ends when 37,800kWh energy is provided.
  • Ongoing support:  Tesla support team offers ongoing support to ensure that the Powerwall operates seamlessly.

 The most attractive to invest in

It is worth investing in Tesla Powerwall. With added features, Powerwall will be able to power a home for 12 hours. As Powerwall is AC coupled, it is compatible with typical inverters installed on a home energy system. 

Tesla’s rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a liquid thermal control system aids to store energy from solar or from the grid, making it available on demand. In most cases, Powerwall can power your home during the night or in the event of a power outage.

Powerwall operates in different modes and can be seamlessly monitored via the Tesla app to save more money on energy bills. However, you will have to make sure it generates enough energy.

  •  Tesla Powerwall and solar on-grid – In this mode, Powerwall is integrated with your existing solar system and uses an electric grid to charge and store excess energy in a solar battery.
  • off-gird Tesla Powerwall– In an off-grid scenario, your home is disconnected from your utility grid and help you to be independent of grid energy.
  • Tesla Powerwall without solar system:– Charging directly from the grid and use this power when power outrage. 

 On-Grid Solar System with Tesla Powerwall

Install Powerwall with your existing solar to produce more electricity.  This means, the Powerwall is installed between the utility meter and the transfer switch and can charge from solar while the grid is operational. The state-of-the-art battery system intelligently stores extra solar power to power your home or a car. It automatically detects the outage and disconnects from the grid, and utilizes stored low-cost energy to restore power to your home quickly.

Off-Grid Solar System with Tesla Powerwall

In off-grid Tesla Powerwall operation mode, the Powerwall is disconnected from the utility grid. The energy is stored in a solar battery, which can be used later to power your home or appliances as you need.  Time-based control and backup power modes help to maximize your energy savings through smart charging and discharging of your Powerwall. Solar plus battery system is beneficial in the areas where their utility does not operate continuously.

While it is possible to go completely off-grid with a battery storage system, a modern home is not designed to be disconnected from the grid. A battery storage system is not a generator. It’s not realistic to permanently operate off-grid without substantial investment in larger solar and storage systems. Even with solar generation, a storage system would need to be significantly larger to provide enough electricity to power your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Moreover,  in an on-grid system, you can pair your phone with a Tesla Powerwall battery. This will allow you to operate your Powerwall from your phone through the Tesla App. You can disconnect your Powerwall from the grid to simulate the experience of being off the electrical grid. Go Off-Grid is a feature that works exclusively with paired devices to help ensure stable system operation and more reliable power for your home. You can disconnect and re-connect to the grid using Tesla mobile app.

Partial Power usage during power outrage: Powerwall will not connect to non-critical (or non-essential) loads on the partial home backup system. It will discharge only to the critical loads. However, vehicle charging is possible during the off-grid mode.

Charging the Powerwall directly from the grid without a solar system

Without a solar system, one would be able to use a Powerwall. Powerwall uses grid energy for charging and stores energy in a solar battery. It reserves 100% of energy for backup at all times.

 Whether it is humidity or rain, Powerwall works efficiently. Each Powerwall’s capability is to offer 13.5kWh of usable energy and can be stacked in a chain to increase energy usage. Interested to reduce electricity bills by going on-grid or off-grid? Get an instant quote for Tesla Powerwall installation in WA?

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