

Tesla Powerwall

Is it worthy of installing a Tesla Powerwall with solar?

With the hike in energy prices and drop in solar prices, solar panel installation has boomed to around 2.7 million in Australia. Solar panel technology is one of the greatest developments of this century. The panels generate electricity, thus making the house independent of the grid during the daytime. During the night and when the

Is it worthy of installing a Tesla Powerwall with solar? Read More »

solar panels worth investment

Are solar panels worth the investment?

Are solar panels worth the investment? This is an oft-repeated question faced by the solar power business of Western Australia. With the cry for energy independence, solar energy and battery storage systems are quickly becoming the norm. Irrespective of electricity consumption, solar panels are worth buying in every Australian state. Going solar is quite beneficial if

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Wind or Solar

Which renewable energy is better, wind or solar?

Among the various renewable energy sources, wind power and solar power are the most popular green energy alternatives for fossil fuels. They play a significant role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. The equipment for extracting solar and wind power are solar panels and wind turbines. The photovoltaic cells inside solar panels, transform the

Which renewable energy is better, wind or solar? Read More »

solar energy car

Is the idea of solar energy car possible or not?

An increased interest in renewable energy systems has made many automobile companies think in the line of solar-powered cars as a sustainable means of transport. Electric vehicles are cleaner than conventional vehicles. The pollution from electricity used to power cars makes EVs powered by solar energy a better option. Solar cars are electric cars that use solar

Is the idea of solar energy car possible or not? Read More »

renewable energy

Can the world be powered fully by renewable energy?

As renewable energy is derived from renewable resources, very few resources are lost due to its production. Based on its source, they are of different types. Types of Renewable Energy Solar energy derived from the sun, wind energy derived from the motion of the wind, hydroelectric energy derived from the gravitational potential of water, Biomass

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solar for individual flat apartment

Can we install solar for individual flat in apartment?

With over 2.3 million solar rooftop installations, most Australians enjoy the benefits of solar energy. Certainly, technological advancements and innovations have helped the best solar companies in Perth to make solar power accessible even for apartments. One-third of Australians live in rental properties or apartments. Earlier a significant portion of Australians were out of reach

Can we install solar for individual flat in apartment? Read More »

renewable energy

What are the problems faced by renewable energy?

The challenges faced by the renewable energy industry are many. Political pressures, government policies, corporate influence, age-old infrastructure, lack of proper battery storage system, and present market scenario stand in its way for a wider adoption worldwide. Despite these factors, renewable energy has undertaken a global adoption as a means to alleviate climate change. It

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solar energy

Can trains transport people solely on solar energy?

Electricity is the largest source of greenhouse gas pollution in Australia, second being transport. Transport sector has seen 62.9% growth since 1990. Only a change in the government policies on transport and climate can help Australia to lower its greenhouse gas pollution. Increase in population, dearth of public transport and reliance on vehicles has increased

Can trains transport people solely on solar energy? Read More »

solar power

Why aren’t we using the deserts for solar power?

The booming electricity prices and falling cost of solar panels have made many households turn to rooftop solar units. With the gaining popularity of solar power, solar panel price has come down considerably. Sustainability being the main focus, commercial buildings, shopping centers, and hospitals have also turned to solar power. This has increased 700 percent since

Why aren’t we using the deserts for solar power? Read More »