
Press Releases

Prof Chem Nayar

Leading the way in Sustainable Technology

Established in 2003 by Curtin University Emeritus Professor Chem Nayar, Regen Power is a Canning Value-based Western Australian solar company. The company providing renewable energy products and services not only in WA but also in all Australian capital cities. Most

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Business News 40Under40 Awards, 2020

Nikhil Jayaraj, Managing Director of Regen Power Pty Ltd was named as a winner of the Business News 40under40 Awards. The 40under40 awards identify only top business achievers in WA but also find out how they excel in the business

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Vietnam Solar Farm

49.5 MW Solar Farm project at QUANG TRI, VIETNAM

Regen Power – Team Sustain JV has successfully completed its Scope of Work as agreed in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Oversight Services Agreement for the 49.5MW Solar Farm project at Gio Linh, Gio Thanh Dist., Quang Tri Prov., Vietnam.

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Prof Chem Nayar, Erudite Scholar at Cochin University

Prof Chem Nayar, Emeritus Professor, Curtin University and Managing Director, Regen Power has been named as the Erudite Scholar at the Division of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). The Erudite Program of the

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Balladonia Motel Goes Solar

Balladonia is a small roadhouse community located on the Eyre Highway in Western Australia. It is the first stop east of Norseman on the long journey east across the Nullarbor Plain. Between Balladonia and Caiguna is a 146-kilometre stretch of

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500kW Floating Solar Power Plant, Kerala, India.

The state of Kerala, India, with large stretches of water bodies has huge potential for floating photovoltaic systems. The Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd (KSEBL) has awarded a 500 kWp Floating Grid Interactive Solar Photovoltaic Power Project in the Banasurasagar

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