Energy Conservation Day 2020

Energy Conservation Day 2020

Energy Conservation Day is celebrated by people all over the world on the 14th of December. The goal is to help society to reduce the amount of power it consumes. The actual meaning of energy conservation is to avoid unnecessary use of energy and to use the least energy so that energy resources can be saved for future generations.

With the increase in global population and more power-hungry appliances per user, the inevitable trend is towards more consumption – not less. This will only accelerate in the coming years. Energy Conservation Day is celebrated to stimulate people about the importance of energy as well as conserving it with lesser wastage. Efficient use of energy is indispensable for storing energy for future use. In order to make energy conservation plans more effective, every person should include them in their behavior. We should

  • Adjust our day to day behavior
  • Follow the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,
  • Adopt energy-efficient appliances and practices.

Energy conservation measures in buildings reduce the need for energy services and can result in increased environmental quality, national security, personal, financial security, and higher savings. Importantly, Energy conservation prevents future depletion.

Steps to conserve energy

  • Energy conservation begins at home by switching off lights, heaters and coolers when not in use.
  • Make maximum use of daylight so that electric use is much lesser.
  • Periodic maintenance and repair work of insulation prevents thermal loss, thereby saving lots of energy.
  • LED lighting, CFL, solar-charged flashlights and smart windows conserve energy without compromising the quality.
  • Save energy by air drying your laundry.
  • Purchase energy-efficient ENERGY STAR labeled models.
  • Try to use the daylight properly so that you may use your electricity lightless.
  • Clean the filter of AC regularly.
  • Clean the ice of the refrigerator regularly, it saves energy.
  • Keep your refrigerator away from the wall.

Fossil fuels limited

Conventional sources of energy are coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear energy. The impact of energy conservation and efficiency will remain limited if we continue powering our cities with traditional forms of energy like oil, gas and coal. Since these are on the verge of depletion, it calls for an alternate source of energy that is affordable, abundant, and renewable.

As there is no single energy source to take the place of fossil fuels, renewable sources such as wind, biofuel or geothermal will play a role in the energy mix of tomorrow. Embracing strategies like conservation and efficiency are crucial in fighting against climate change. Solar energy when paired with these strategies has the capacity to meet the global demand for cleaner and greener power.

Unlimited source of energy

Sun generates free electricity of limitless power sources that showers us with more energy than we could ever possibly use. It is a 100% scalable and distributed technology within easy financial reach of a growing number of households around the globe. It is high time the human race explored the zillion possibilities of the omnipotent sun. Going solar saves money as well as reduces the carbon footprint.

Above all, Sun is the original source of all energy. Global warming is one of the major environmental challenges that the world face today. Solar energy produces no pollution and it is a renewable source of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, we don’t have to worry about their depletion. As long as the sun burns, without a doubt solar energy will available in abundance. The production of solar energy in cities is absolutely a way to diminish our dependency on fossil fuels and is a good way to mitigate global warming by lowering the emission of the greenhouse. Going solar is actually an investment for the future of our planet and that would be the best promise one can take on Energy Conservation Day.

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